Nail your SaaS onboarding email with these top 3 email examples

July 8, 2024
15 minute read
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First impressions affect your service in the business world. When you walk into a store and the owner greets you warmly, it makes you feel welcome. But imagine the opposite—a cold, indifferent reception.

Which experience would make you want to return?

Your onboarding welcome email is like that warm smile for your users. It's a chance to leave a lasting impression.

Today, we are talking about how to craft great SaaS onboarding emails. You will learn how to write an email that people will love and set up your business for success in the long run by making customers like your service from their first interaction with your company.  

But before getting into examples of great SaaS onboarding emails, let's explore some important aspects of crafting effective welcome emails. Welcome emails are very important because they provide baseline levels of customer engagement. In addition, they are the foundation of your relationship and work as the first point of contact in your onboarding flow.

Key takeaways

Here's a quick summary of what you'll learn:

  • SaaS onboarding email essentials
  • Brand voice and personalization
  • HTML vs. plain-text emails
  • Reply vs. no-reply emails
  • Human vs. automated messages
  • Best onboarding email examples
  • An Essential onboarding sequence
  • Importance of each email
  • Crafting effective onboarding emails

Best practices for crafting the onboarding SaaS welcome email

Creating an effective SaaS onboarding welcome email takes careful consideration. It's not just a simple "Welcome, thanks for signing up!"

There are important elements to address. Here's what you should consider before you start crafting your welcome email. Please note that business-to-business email marketing will differ greatly from business to consumer. Nonetheless, consider everything we outline below for a great email sequence.

Copywriting and Tone

Before crafting an unforgettable email, you must define your brand's voice. Decide if you want to be:

  • witty
  • playful
  • informative
  • serious

It influences how users perceive and interact with you. If you are focused on B2B, your best bet is to focus on being informative. The more data and statistics you can include in your emails, the more convincing they will become. Avoid using overly persuasive rhetoric within your emails.

Top Tip: Your subject line can determine if your email gets opened!

HTML vs. Plain-Text

Once you define your brand voice, you need to choose if you'll send an HTML or plain text email. Despite the appeal of HTML emails, plain-text emails often yield more clicks and interactions. Over-designed emails risk losing focus and landing in Gmail's 'Promotions' tab or spam.

Sometimes, you will need images, but try to keep them to a minimum. Many email providers will flag overly designed emails as spam, too.

Top Tip: Ensure you set up DKIM and DMARC on your DNS to guarantee your emails stay out of spam.

Reply vs. NoReply

Avoid noreply@ emails. Allow users to reply for a more personal touch. Difficult contact can lead to churn.

Subsequently, if you are sending emails to other businesses, your customers will need to reach you or understand how to contact you for clarification.

When they reply to the email you send, you should receive it and respond to it quickly. Remember, in SaaS marketing, your welcome email also helps users understand your product, and your sales team needs to respond to customer's queries about how to use your product.

Human vs. Automated messages

While welcome emails are automated, adding a human touch makes them more engaging and supportive. If you opt for AI-generated messages, you should review and modify them.

We give examples below to help you understand the differences between a good and bad onboarding email. After reading the examples, review this section and identify why these emails are good or bad.

Let's get into the best and not-so-great onboarding welcome email examples.

Welcome email examples that enhance the customer experience

In this section of our article, we will share some welcome emails and explain what we think is great and not-so-great about them. Keep in mind that what works for your business will depend on your customer base. We don't aim to say anything negative about these businesses as all have been very successful.

Our goal is to show how these businesses send their first email and raise customer engagement by adding a call to action for the best first impression.  The best welcome email ultimately depends on your business, but we hope these examples of welcome emails can help you understand what will work best for your business.

Miro's onboarding email sequence

Miro is a business that offers online whiteboards and collaborative spaces for remote teams. When you sign up for an account, you immediately receive a welcome email that states:

"Miro makes teams nimbler, efficient, effective, more inspired, better. From brainstorming to running workshops to planning and managing Agile workflows - teams across the globe get work done with Miro.

Miro opted for HTML-style emails using automation.

We know that most businesses use automation for their sequences. That doesn't affect how users perceive Miro's welcome email.

The well-written email clearly defines what your business can achieve using the service.

What's good and bad about Miro's email

You know exactly what to do when you receive the email because there's a clear CTA. You understand why you should use Miro before exploring this SaaS tool. Lastly and most importantly, when we signed up for an account, the email landed in our inbox rather than spam.

The above is great, but here's how they can improve their email.

First, they could send it from an email we could reply to. Instead, the email address for the sender is

If you decide to reply to this email, your message will land in an unmonitored inbox. So, you need to respond to the welcome email to contact the company.

Another factor that affected the email is the email subject line. Despite using Single Sign On (SSO), Miro sent us an email containing our full name in the subject line. The business is personalized here, but it felt like a bit much. We use the service to collaborate; we are not personally involved with the business.

Lastly, their CTA is very clear - unlike what they had written beneath the CTA button.

When we noticed there was more, we had an "a-ha!" moment, which was surprising. However, if there is information in your onboarding email, it should be easy for people to see your messages.

In short, the email should not have added the CTA until the end because it disrupts the flow of important information. That's because beneath the CTA, the business had the following links:

  • Miro template library
  • Learn & Inspire Center
  • Miro Academy
  • Help Center

They could further enhance their messaging and customer journey will an email that connects people to their customer success team. It will let the customer know your goal is to help, and one of the best ways to build customer relationships.

Take the information presented here as you will, but the main takeaway is that your message is important, so you should ensure that people can read it in its entirety with ease.

Copy Posse

Alex Cattoni is a well-known copywriter. She has a large following on LinkedIn and YouTube, with over 200,000 followers.

Her program, the Copy Posse Launch files, is a B2B program that teaches the essentials of direct response copywriting.

Her onboarding email welcome sequence is as follows:

"Word up, {first_name}...

Thank you so much for joining the global Copy Posse.

No matter how you found me, you're here, you made it, and it's so nice to meet you. Chances are, you're here for one of the following reasons:

  • You are a soon-to-be copywriter looking for the right way to navigate this crazy cool (and sometimes confusing) world but have no idea where to start...
  • You're already a copywriter and looking to upgrade your skills, make some bills, and have a lot of fun doing it.
  • You're an entrepreneur who is ready to get in front of the right customers and ignite your business with fresh copywriting techniques that are working today.

Either way, I got you babe. You're in the right place.

And if you're tired of copywriting techniques and tips that seem outdated, detached, or, well, douchey...

{first name}, I hear you.

It's why I mobilized the Copy Posse, a badass crew of copywriters who, like you, are excited to write in a way that is both cool and converts.

I'm all about combining the proven marketing principles of the past with modern-day branding, storytelling, and personality.

It's what today's businesses need to stay relevant.

Almost a decade ago, I was not that different from you — embarking on a copywriting career and starting a business from scratch...

Well, now I'm sharing everything that I learned along the way…

The copywriting "how-to" techniques and tips that are working right now.

I know how precious your time is, so let's get you started on your Posse induction. Here's what you have to do next:

  1. Follow the Copy Posse on Youtube
  2. Expect an email from me every Wednesday
  3. Join the Raddest copywriting crew on IG

If you need anything else, just reply to let us know."

What's the good and not-so-great about this onboarding welcome email?

What was so great about this onboarding email? Well, first, it was very personalized but did not cross boundaries. Her team personalized her automated email with the first name only.

Throughout the email, there are a few too many CTA's overall. After each "next step," there is a button to take action. Ideally, you want to give someone a single action to follow.

Next, for most B2B businesses, the tone of this email could be more formal. You would want to avoid the word "babe" unless your audience will receive this well.

Shopify has the best SaaS welcome email and customer onboarding we've seen

Shopify is a B2B platform that offers business owners an online shop for their merchandise and products. They have been in the game a long time and know their stuff, making them one of the best SaaS companies for online stores.

Here's the email they use to onboard clients:

"Welcome to Shopify

Your free trial starts today.

Congratulations on starting your journey with Shopify. We're excited you are here and can't wait to help you get started.

Your account details:



Getting Started

Your step-by-step checklist

There are many moving parts to getting a business up and running. So, check out our starter checklist below.

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Help Center

No surprises here; they deserve a perfect 10/10 for their welcome onboarding email.

Everything Shopify does is thoroughly tailored to provide the best user experience.

What's good about it?

  1. Immediate reminder of the trial period.
  2. Convenient login details reminder.
  3. Clear CTAs for success: a checklist.
  4. Secondary CTAs for seeking assistance.
  5. Remarkably, it lands in my inbox, not the promotions tab, despite not being plain text.

There's nothing bad to say about this email. It is 100% pure goodness. The email aims to speed up the customer lifecycle after the sign up for the free trial. It's easy to see why they are one of the top SaasS companies for online sales.

So here's our feedback on the good and bad of welcome emails. But, in an onboarding sequence, you need more than one email in most instances.

Now, let's outline a great user onboarding email service. Remember these tips and our feedback as you craft your sequence. You must keep everything mentioned so far in mind as you build your sequence.

The best onboarding email sequence for conversion and customer success

After the welcome email, you need to keep people engaged with your products or services and interested in using them. You need an sequence that will get you more clicks and engagement to do that.

You can include as many or as few emails as you'd like, but here's our outline.

  1. A welcome email
  2. A personal introduction from the owner
  3. Share templates or workflows
  4. Invite people to book a demo
  5. How to integrate apps
  6. Outlining automation
  7. Trigger-based emails
  8. Lead qualification with a form
  9. Targeting social media channels
  10. Before trial ends

Let's outline each of these so you can see why they effectively drive sales or nurture existing clients.

Welcome Email

A welcome email is your chance to make a lasting impression on new users. It's important to convey a warm greeting and set clear expectations about what users can achieve with your software.

Personalization includes:

  • Addressing the user by name
  • Mentioning their business

Both add a personalized touch.

Include a straightforward call-to-action that guides users toward the next vital step in their onboarding journey.

Personal Introduction from the Owner

A personal introduction from the company's owner humanizes your brand and builds trust. The owner can briefly share their vision and commitment to exceptional service in this email.

Such a personal touch builds a sense of connection and reassures users that they are dealing with real people who are invested in their success.

It makes people more likely to engage and continue using your software.

Share email templates or workflows

Offering pre-made templates or workflows in your email immediately showcases the value of your software. Users often want to see how your product can make their tasks easier. Provide a glimpse of the templates available and highlight how they can save time and effort.

It demonstrates your software's practicality and efficiency, encouraging users to explore further.

Invite people to book a demo, then emphasize your value proposition

Inviting users to book a demo provides them with a guided tour of your product's capabilities. A hands-on experience allows users to understand the software's potential and how it can address their specific needs.

This email should emphasize the benefits of the demo, such as personalized guidance and the opportunity to ask questions, giving users a compelling reason to schedule one.

How to Integrate Apps with Your Service

Emailing users about app integrations is essential to maximize the utility of your software. Explain the process clearly and provide step-by-step instructions on integrating their preferred apps. Showcase the value of your product with these integrations, emphasizing how they can enhance their workflow and overall experience with your product.

Outlining automation to improve the onboarding experience

Automation features are often a significant selling point for software products. In this email, outline how automation can simplify tasks and save time for users.

Highlight real-world scenarios where automation can make a difference. Providing examples and use cases demonstrates the practicality and relevance of this feature, enticing users to explore and utilize it.

Trigger-Based Emails

Trigger-based emails help in delivering personalized content and guidance based on user actions. Explain how these emails will keep users engaged by providing relevant information at the right time.

Highlight the value of tailored recommendations and how they can enhance the user's experience by addressing their specific needs and interests.

Lead Qualification with a Form

Lead qualification emails should encourage users to fill out a form with their preferences and requirements. Explain how this information will help personalize communication and support. Emphasize the user's role in tailoring their experience and the benefits they'll receive from providing these details.

Make the process straightforward and ensure users understand the value of completing the form for a more personalized journey. It's a great way to further enhance your email strategy with segmentation.

Targeting Social Media Channels

Engaging users on social media expands your communication channels and fosters a sense of community.

This email encourages users to connect with your brand on social platforms. Explain the benefits, such as staying updated on the latest news, accessing exclusive content, and connecting with a community of users.

It builds brand loyalty and creates an additional avenue for interaction and support.

Before Trial Ends

A reminder email before the trial period ends is a critical touchpoint for conversion and retention.

Communicate the trial's expiration date and provide options for users to take action, whether upgrading to a paid plan or extending the trial. Emphasize the value they've gained during the trial and the benefits of continuing with your product.

Make it easy for users to decide, reducing the likelihood of churn.


We've outlined key components vital to creating a remarkable user experience.

We have discussed:

  • Defining your brand's voice
  • Embracing personalization
  • Simplifying your message
  • Building genuine connections

Each element is pivotal in shaping an onboarding process that truly resonates with your customers.

As you dabble in email marketing, remember the significance of extending a warm welcome, providing clear guidance, and being readily available to assist users.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is an onboarding email?

Onboarding emails are an essential first step in engaging new customers and familiarizing them with your product or service. They often take the form of a series to guide and educate users about how to get the most value out of your platform, especially during the trial period. Email marketing helps establish communication and introduce your brand to potential customers.

What is the importance of onboarding emails in SaaS businesses?

Onboarding emails are essential for SaaS businesses to build trust with customers, reduce churn, and encourage product adoption - all of which contribute to increased customer lifetime value.

How can I make my SaaS onboarding emails more engaging?

Make your SaaS onboarding emails more engaging by personalizing them, crafting captivating subject lines, and providing clear, actionable content in a motivating tone.

What are some effective strategies for creating compelling email subject lines?

Create a sense of urgency, personalize, keep it short and powerful, use powerful words, and test different subject lines for a compelling email subject line.

How can I track user behavior and preferences to create more personalized onboarding emails?

You can use analytics tools such as Userpilot, Amplitude, Mixpanel, Heap, and Hotjar to track user behavior and preferences for more personalized onboarding emails.

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